Meet your hosts Danny and Alexis Rosenbaum


We’re Alexis and Danny Rosenbaum and we’re your hosts at Seven Springs.

We’re high school sweethearts and have been happily married for 10 years. We both love the outdoors, having a creative outlet, and being physically active. We welcomed our first daughter in 2021.

We love to do projects together and see a vision come to life. Our first home was a foreclosure that we flipped and turned that home into a place for us to rest between seasons while Danny played minor league baseball. We sold our first home, bought a second that we flipped and long term rent because Danny’s new career moved us to NYC. An abandoned 1950’s ranch built into the only New Jersey mountainside with a city view was our 3rd home purchase. Almost entirely on our own, we lived in flipped before selling and planting roots in middle Tennessee.

We take great pride in hard work in everything that we do and we are passionate about building a life for ourselves. That is why we spent years searching for a place we could retreat to.

Seven Springs is a property we have dreamed about for as long as we can remember. We’ve always wanted a place to escape the hustle and bustle of life where family and friends can gather and enjoy. A retreat for our own family to make memories, to enjoy a slower pace of life, and to reconnect with one another.

As your hosts, we look forward to sharing our retreat with you.